< Mohamad Alsayed ∕ >

Web Developer Based in Germany

I turn my passion into pixels!


Hey I am Mohamad Alsayed 26 years old and I was born in Syria, I'm based in Cologne right now. I am A Junior front-end developer who loves to code and to build small & medium Web Apps with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other popular programming languages.
If you want to know more about me and my skills,

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Programming SKILLS

Through my training at Digital Career Institute, I attained a strong foundation of technical skills, my experience allows me to build websites that work on all devices: smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops. Whether it is small personal site or a big project I use the newest technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, NodeJs, MongoDB, React, jQuery, Bootstrap, webpack, and more other. Here are some of the projects I've done

And I'm not only a web developer, but I also have experience in many other fields of life.

Check My CV Mein Lebenslauf

Feel free to send me message for more information using form or by email.